All of these gore shots were never intended to be part of the film, they actually completely spoil the plot of the movie within the first 5 minutes by randomly inserting flashback type shots of gore and murdering before any of this had even taken place within the movie itself. They also forced him to film gore and murder scenes in such a hurry he had to film these in his own backyard.

How exactly was the movie butchered into something nearly unrecognizable to the director, to the point that he almost removed his name from the movie entirely? Well there is a lot it, first off Artisan forced Joe to film several new scenes like an entire asylum sequence before the title card of the movie is even shown. Artisan entirely butchered the movie AFTER the editing stage was complete and Joe had handed in his final and complete version of Blair Witch 2. In fact it's not even close to what was originally intended and that is because of the publishing studio known as 'Artisan', or better known as 'LIONSGATE' today. However, the theatrical version as we all know today is not the movie that Joe Berlinger intended for us to watch.
Blair Witch 2, or Blair Witch 2: Book of Shadows is a horror movie made by director Joe Berlinger.